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Raytheon Emergency Evacuation

Raytheon has chosen to improve accountability and security by choosing to purchase our Offline and Punch solutions. The Offline interface will help them in an emergency situation by providing up-to-date information without being connected to EIOBoard. With our ability to use existing hardware, we are leveraging Raytheon's current badge readers to communicate with our EIOBoard system.

What Raytheon was looking for?

"We are looking for a solution for digital headcount for emergency evacuation. We are interested in a wall-mount touch screen or badge swipe input, windows mobile devices for headcount personnel, server software, and client application licenses."


Rayhteon Custom Solution


Customer-Hosted Version Customer-Hosted 200 User Edition
Training EIOBoard Training
EIOBoard Offline EIOBoard Offline PDA
Small PC Small Wall Mount PC w/ Kiosk Software
Weigland Converter HID Module