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Integrate with SharePoint

Here are instructions on how to integrate EIOBoard with SharePoint with both EIOBoard Hosted and Customer Hosted versions.

How to Integrate EIOBoard with SharePoint

Create a new page

Give the page a name, a description, and choose a page type that has web parts such as "(Welcome Page) Blank Web Part Page". 

Click Create.

SharePoint Create Page

In the header (or other destination you would like to add EIOBoard)

Click on Add a Web Part.

SharePoint Add Web Part


Scroll down to the Miscellaneous section on the "Add Web Parts to Header" page until you find "Page Viewer Web Part". 

Check the box and click Add.

Sharepoint Web Parts

Click on the "open the tool pane" to open up the Page Viewer Web Part's settingsLeave "Web Page" selected

Version 7.0 or earlier:

You need the "tz=300" to do the proper offset for your time zone. The 300 is calculated based off of GMT, so if you are GTM-05:00, or EST, then you take -60 * -5 = 300. The PageName value is optional, but in the example above, setting the PageName to "CurrentStatusSmallFrames.asp" will redirect you to the Mini View after you authenticate.

Version 7.0 or higher:


Version 8.0 or higher:

Same as prior, but added these additional optional query parameters:

  • ViewChoice: standard, mini
  • Group: all, friends, groupsys
  • FullScreen: true, false, 1, 0

Example URL using parameters: http://YourEIOBoardServerNameOrIP/Login.aspx?UserName=DummyUsername&Password=DummyPassword&ViewChoice=mini&Group=324353&FullScreen=1

Note: With version 8.0.51 or higher, you can optionally point to your main EIOBoard URL and let Windows Authentication handle the rest.  You must be using Active Directory Synchronization and enable ONLY Windows Authentication in IIS Authentication for the EIOBoard site.  Read more details in this knowledgebase, Logging in to the Web Browser Interface Automatically using Active Directory.

Web Part configure


EIOBoard Integrated into SharePoint
EIOBoard Sharepoint